Section: Dissemination

Scientific Animation

Most of the members of the team are regular reviewers of major journals of the field and participate to major conferences. We give here below a selection of our other activities or responsabilities.

  • Xavier Antoine and Karim Ramdani were members of the organizing committee of the “Journées de Metz 2012”.

  • Fatiha Alabeau is member of the National Committee of the CNRS, section 41, member of the AERES committees for the CEREMADE (University Paris-Dauphine) and MAP5 (University Paris Descartes) and member of the Administration Council of the S.MA.I., was member of the organizing commitee of MCPIT2013 "Modelling, Control and Inverse Problems for the Planet Earth in all its states", Conference of the GDRE CONEDP and for “Mathematics of the Planet Earth, co-organisation”, november 18–23 2013, Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris, France and of the thematic school of the CNRS, GDRE CONEDP, “Control of PDEs, interactions and applicative challenges”, november 5–9 2012, CIRM Luminy, France, and is member of the editorial board of the journal Evolution Equations and Control Theory (EECT), American Institute of Mathematics and Sciences (AIMS)

  • Antoine Henrot is head of Fédération Charles Hermite (FR CNRS 3198) which is a Federation of four scientific units: CRAN (Research Center for Automatic Control), IECN (Institut Elie Cartan of Nancy), LMAM (Mathematical Center of research in Metz), LORIA ((Lorraine Laboratory of IT Research and its Application), elected to the Administrative Council of the University of Lorraine in June 2012, and scientific Delegate for Mathematics at AERES (the French Agency for Evaluation of Research) since September 2012.

  • Marius Tucnsak became senior Member of Institut Universitaire de France in 2012 and is member of the editorial boards of ESAIM COCV, Journal of Mathematical Fluid Dynamics (New) and Revue Roumaine de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées (New).